Flock of Snow Geese (Anser caerulescens), Skagit Valley, Washington, USAVenue EarthMother Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus), Baby Sloth, Jaguar Rescue Center, Costa RicaVenue EarthIlluminated Church "Notre Dame La Grande", Poitiers, France, 2024 (03) (User Generated Content)PLehmann ArtsRed Fox Cubs, PlayingVenue EarthSea Otter (Enhydra lutris), Mom taking care of cub, CanadaVenue EarthYoung Nobleman, Carnival, 1963TCP & FreundeWeekly Market, Toulon, France (06)SCHWARZfilmWeekly Market, Toulon, France (01)SCHWARZfilmAnna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna), North AmericaVenue EarthLandscape (Aerial), Mystic Forest, Fall, Allgovia (Allgäu), Germany, 2024 (Compilation)Jürgen Maria WaffenschmidtWW II, End of War, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1945Chronos MediaDogs, Running, Grassland, BelarusVenue EarthElephants having a Nap (Top Shot), Shola, IndiaVenue EarthBaby Elephant, Attack, KenyaVenue EarthCity Impressions, Old Opera, Frankfurt, Germany, 2020Dropout FilmsOpera House, Oslo Norway, 2011Reinhard KungelOpera House, Oslo, Norway, 2011Reinhard KungelOpera House, Oslo, Norway, 2011Reinhard KungelOpera House, Oslo, Norway, 2011Reinhard KungelOpera House, Oslo, Norway, 2011Reinhard Kungel