Gulf of Mexico (Aerial), Texas, USA, 2017Dropout FilmsGulf of Mexico (Aerial), Texas, USA, 2017Dropout FilmsSeaside (Aerial), Beach, Waves, Ice, Iceland, 2019Jürgen Maria WaffenschmidtSquare waves, Nature in ArtVenue EarthDalmation "Spotty", Fish, SwitzerlandVenue EarthGrizzly, Cub, WavingVenue EarthPolar Bear (Top Shot), Summer, South Western Hudson Bay, CanadaVenue EarthWine Cellar "Le Cep d'Argent", Place Monseigneur Deydier, Toulon, France (01)SCHWARZfilmLightning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (01)Venue EarthLightning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (02)Venue EarthIlluminated Church "Notre Dame La Grande", Poitiers, France, 2024 (02) (User Generated Content)PLehmann ArtsIlluminated Church "Notre Dame La Grande", Poitiers, France, 2024 (01) (User Generated Content)PLehmann ArtsShoebill (Balaeniceps rex), Mabamba Swamp, Uganda, AfricaVenue EarthMonsoon LeopardVenue EarthDolphins, SurfersVenue EarthBaya Weavers (Ploceidae), AfricaVenue EarthPenguins, Summer, Pond, AntarcticaVenue EarthDolphin (Delphinidae) playing with Pufferfish (Tetraodontida)Venue EarthShort-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) "Shortie" (01)Venue EarthDolphins swimming through Bioluminescent Phytoplankton, Newport Beach, USAVenue Earth