Sunflower disk floret, Saarland, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionBumble bees on sunflowers, rolling hills, blue sky, Saarland, GermanyRecktenwald Filmproduktionrain, forested rolling hills, tree crowns, rain clouds, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionWildflowers and long yellow grass sway in breeze, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionApple orchard trees, fresh green grass and blue sky, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionCorn field, spinning wind turbine, Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant, steam clouds, Merzig-Wadern, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionApple tree, wheat fields, harvested field with round straw bales, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionCattle grazing in fenced field, trees GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionRed apples on branches, round straw bales, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionHorses and cattle grazing in field, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionRural dirt road, crop fields, rolling forested hills, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionRed sandstone Altfels, forest trees, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionTourists, Wartburg Castle, Eisenach, ThuringiaRecktenwald FilmproduktionStatue of General Bluecher, Gutenfels Castle, KaubRecktenwald FilmproduktionHissing grass snake over parched grass, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionSaarburg waterfall, packed street cafes, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionFresh snow on tree trunks and light brown foliage on branches, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionAuburn snow-clad leaves of tree branches, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionLight brown foliage on snow covered twigs and branches, GermanyRecktenwald FilmproduktionWithered foliage on forest floor, snowfall, trees with snow on branches, GermanyRecktenwald Filmproduktion