

"Slides in his head“ has Herbert Hauke (Herbi) of „Magic-Moments“ and in addition history and stories about rock legends of the 60s to 80s. The rock fan has several thousand photos, once shot by renowned photographers like Michael Heeg or Martin M. Lehmann of The Beatles, Falco, Cher, The Rolling Stones, Queen and and and... in his archive. Herbi is the rock music maniac whom Tina Turner invited to her after-show party as a thank you for a bouquet of roses he threw on stage at Circus Krone in 1973.

Thus began an incredible life behind the scenes of world stars. Hundreds of unforgettable Rock&Pop stories experienced the founder of the famous Rockmuseum Munich, operator of the platform Munich City of Music exhibition curator and multiple book author. If you press his "play" button, you will enjoy countless magical moments of rock history during and outside his guided tours. A selection of his unpublished picture collection can be seen with a few clicks at TCP.

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